I'm really exited to go to the interview but I'm not prepare yet. I didn't expect the answer of my application for System Eng in this week because I just post it yesterday. All my academic doc is still at my hometown n I'm not prepare yet. I think its ok for me to ignore it. Oh i forgot to tell that my interview is on friday. Huhuhuhu
Second, someone ask me to be a facilitator for science camp on Sunday until Wed. I'm not too excited about this but it give me some profit. This first time in my life to be a facilitator. Its ok to try it. Actually this camp is related to my freelance project. On paper, I'll gain a lot from this and I like to work on it. Open source programming. But the problem is I'm too lazy to play with Dreamweaver and all of code right now.
The last one is the laziest thing. Huhuhu. No need to think a lot. Just sitting in front of the computer n analyze the graph. Its FOREX. Easiest way to gain money but it not too easy. Many risk are there. You may gain and loss a lot if you make a little mistake. Its not gambling or something sinful. Today, I just get about 20 dollar. Its a lot man. Huhuhuhuhu.
So after considered all aspect, I think its better for me to ignore the interview. Adhoc means nothing except failure. Hopefully tomorrow I get more than 20 dollar. Insyallah....
- thinking of something.......-
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